About The Publisher

Hello Everyone, 

My name is Jeremy, the publisher of ContainerWaterGardens.net. I started this website as a qazi-hobby site way back in 2014. Since then, I’ve learned alot about content writing and the Pinterest platform and have seen success with this internet thing… thanks to people like you!

Why Container Water Gardens? Well, I have always had an interest in the garden and landscaping niche and at the time I knew very little about how to get traffic to a new website. 

After some research I found out that (at the time) the Google search algorithm was somewhat favoring websites that had the niche subject matter in the domain name. When I checked the domain name was available. Also, I had seen many home and garden websites that already had container water gardening articles, but I couldn’t find one that was devoted to the subject. 

This made me think I had at least a 50/50 chance of ranking in the search engines for that keyword. I then learned you don’t need Google at all to get loads of traffic. That’s when I focused on Pinterest because I was already seeing some success there.

Since then I’ve shifted the focus of ContainerWaterGardens.net to other popular garden, patio, and outdoor living topics but I still love to write about small, containerized water features.

In June of 2020 this website had a record high 65,000 monthly visitors and 6.6 million viewers on Pinterest per month! I’m eternally grateful for all my readers and followers on social media.

Thanks again for visiting,

Jeremy Gourley, editor and publisher.









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